4 Surprising Reasons to Dream Even if They Do Not Come True

I have been thinking lately about the journey I’ve been on – where I am in life vs the way I envisioned it. I realize how little things look exactly like I thought they would. . I have always had a vivid imagination. I can envision details in my head for the future as if […]

How Empathy Can Help You Create Big Change When You’re in the “Messy Middle”

Here we are in what Brené Brown calls “Day 2” in her Unlocking Us podcast. She refers to it as the intense “in between.” The time after the die has been cast – we are past the point of no return. There’s a glaze that has formed again over our initial raw feelings that burst […]

Creating Space and Connection in a Virtual World

I resisted being a teacher. Although my undergraduate degree was in Education, I swiftly pulled the plug on that deal after my student teaching semester. Up until now, I’ve never identified as a teacher, and I’m starting to understand why. Instead, I have strongly identified as a “marketing researcher,” which really doesn’t mean much to […]

Made With Empathy™ because now is the time to make more things with empathy

A few years ago, amidst exhaustion, burnout, and a desire to do something meaningful with less energy, I started down the path of creating an online course. At the time, I thought this course I wanted to create should teach micro business owners to brand their business by going through the same research process large […]

What to Think about When the Perfect Storm Hits

When the perfect storm hits, you have two choices – smile and jump into it, praying for something bigger than you to take you to shore. Or resist it, fight it. Either way, you may die. You may not live, but I am learning to believe, to have faith that things will turn out. I […]

6 Emotional Waves from the Great COVID-19 Ocean

Originally Published April 29th, 2020 on aprilbellresearch.com As we continue down the COVID-19 journey, I have found myself aching somedays, and rejoicing others. As a way of coping with my own emotions, I decided to do what I normally do – interview others to understand their experience as a way of processing my own.   […]

Hello, my name is April Bell, Owner and Founder of Made with Empathy

“My mission is to fuel inspiration and solutions by providing a fresh perspective on how empathy can ignite creativity and peaceful prosperity for the greater good.”

Facing challenges is easier when you explore from the heart on a deeper level first–this is where great ideas are truly generated. Our process is meant to purposefully slow down and let the heart guide innovation. This intentionality produces more sustainable results over time due to greater inspiration and a deeper connection with yourself, your team, and your audience.

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I have used my experience and education to help build brands and innovate products for Fortune 500 companies for nearly two decades. This publication has been inspired by my observations on the impact of empathy to impact personal and organizational transformation. My book discusses the importance of empathy in solving big problems while addressing the struggle to successfully innovate both personally and professionally.

“The Fire Starter: Igniting Innovation with Empathy”

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